Locals and visitors alike can find everything they need to know about our community on the All About Lac La Biche Region APP. Plan your vacation or find out what is happening evenings or on the weekends by looking at the Community Events Calendar. Search for a local service or business by name or keyword or find local deals and discounts. Keep watch for more community initiatives to be included on the APP as they are developed. This service is provided by a local non-profit organization, for the benefit of our community. Use it and support local.
Survey after survey shows that the Lac La Biche Region is known for its incredible lakes and friendly people. As our official Community tag-line says, we are "Welcoming by Nature". This means that our residents are great hosts and quick to support anyone in need (think Fort MacMurray fires) and we have many events, groups and committees that meet regularly. How can anyone keep track of it all?
Our Community Events Calendar on the All about Lac La Biche Region APP is now the best place to find everything that is happening in our community! Committee meetings, public events, and experiences for tourists are all available in one place.
Are you thinking about visiting the Lac La Biche region or are you here right now and want to find something fun to do? Are you planning something in our region next year? Keep a close eye on our APP to see what is going on.
Many entrepreneurs in our region have diversified their business to offer products and services that you may not know about. Because of this we created the first and only keyword searchable Lac La Biche Business Directory so that customers can easily find everything they need. Need to do some shopping and want to get a great deal? Check the APP for discounts and promotions. Sometimes these opportunities are for just a limited time, so - act fast and check back often.
The All about Lac La Biche Region APP will be the "go to" place for community initiatives such as "Customer Service", the "Experience Lac La Biche" initiatives and will eventually include our Business Newsletter. Keep watch for these developments.
We are always improving our APP and welcome your feedback by email at [email protected] or by phone at 780-623-2662.